
 Textile structures  Ciao Itten, 2016

Shown at the Piccolo Formato. Fiber-Art Italiana exhibition, Castellamonte (Turin) 2016, Cantiere delle arti; Genoa 2017, Galleria Il Punto

20.5 x 20.5 x 5 cm
Cotton on a black satinated PMMA support
Double running stitch

<i>Ciao Itten</i>, 2016 (photo: Giacomo Artale)
The original study for double weave
<i>Ciao Itten</i>, 2016 (photo: Giacomo Artale)
<i>Ciao Itten</i>, 2016 (photo: Giacomo Artale)

Piccolo Formato, Genoa 1991, was the first mini-textile exhibition held in Italy, from which Miniartextil, Como, was born on the same year. I took part in it with Diagonale 1. In the present exhibition, whose title looks back at the old one, we exhibit works then on show and new works. The gaudy colours of a study for double weave waiting to become a finished project looked bright enough to create a powerful, independent work. Itten lies hidden yet active in the depths of my heart.


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