
 Library  Magazines in the Daberti collection

From my mother’s cousin Silvia Maffi (1908-2000) I inherited the rich hope chest of her aunts Matilde and Clementina Daberti who, like their mother Giuditta Cattaneo, were highly accomplished embroiderers. This exceptional collection of magazines offers a view on society and women’s life between the 19th and 20th centuries, and gives the chance to study the taste and fashion of the time, as well as the techniques of then typically female activities such as needlework, braiding and knitting. Curiously enough, some of their braids and tapes bear a remarkable resemblance to some Andean works.

 indietro    avanti 


Magazines owned by the Daberti sisters, from 1866 onwards

Illustrierte Frauen Zeitung, Berlin (1887)

Mode und Haus, Berlin (1895-1903)

La Mode Illustrée, journal de la famille, Paris (1866-1879)

La Mode Pratique, Paris (1907-1909)

La Corbeille à Ouvrage, Paris (1902-1907)

Il tesoro delle famiglie, Milano (1880-1883)

Schweizerisches Familien Wochenblatt, Zürich, (July 1890-June 1891)