The exhibition will display some major pieces of Paola Besana, stretched over almost four decades of her work.
A new artwork, entitled ‘Uno scambio’, was created for this occasion.
November 11- December 16, 2017
Tuesday through Saturday, 4-7pm
The exhibition Intrecci del Novecento. Arazzi e tappeti di artisti e manifatture italiane (TWENTIETH-CENTURY INTERTEXTURES. Tapestries and Rugs by Italian Artists and Manufactures), curated by Galleria Moshe Tabibnia and Virginia Giuliano, will open to public on September 12, 2017, at theTriennale of Milan. This exhibition brings together unique textile pieces coming from various manufactures with the aim of visually reviving the creative fervour which animated the Italian textile art scene in the 20th century. Alongside the works with a painterly inspiration, there are a few more recent ones by individual artists, such as my own and that of Paola Bonfante, which grew out of experiments with the expressive capabilities of weaving techniques. I will be there with my Distrazione lombarda (1971), a double weave structure which I created for the 5ème Biennale Internationale de la Tapisserie in Losanna, Switzerland. At the time I lived in a cramped two-room flat with very low ceilings, and it thrilled me to think I was producing an almost 5-metre high work which would unfold for the whole height of one of the large rooms of the museum. Paola Bonfante will exhibit two works woven in 1979: Kahala 1 and Kahala 2. They are independent of, yet complementing, one another, for their emphasis on the interplay of colours, thickness of materials and depths, all of which are the essence of traditional textile structures.
The exhibition “The king and I” goes from Milan to Shanghai, where another work will be displayed: Ciao Josef, created for this second iteration of the exhibition.
Piccolo Formato Fiber-Art Italiana Genova 1991 – Castellamonte 2016, a textile exhibition curated by Sandra Baruzzi, Loredana Seregni and Roberta Chioni, will be inaugurated on 5 November 2016 at Cantiere delle Arti of Castellamonte, near Turin. The exhibition will bring together works shown in 1991 at the Galleria Il Punto of Genoa, in the first Italian exhibition of minitextiles curated by Paulette Peroni, and recent works by the same artists, who will also introduce a number of young artists and their own works: 29 artists will be present in all. I will be there with my old piece “Scherzo” and two specially-created works, “Ciao Itten” and “Foresta per Roberta”.
5-26 November, 2016
Cantiere delle Arti
Castellamonte (Torino)
Via Pasquale Educ, 40
Friday-Saturday, 4-7 pm
The King and I exhibition will be inaugurated on September 19, 2016, at Palazzo Reale, Milan. The exhibition, which is curated by Davide Quadrio and Massimo Torrigiani, will include original works by Maurizio Anzeri, Arthur Arbesser, Gentucca Bini, Matthew Herbert, Taisuke Koyama, Francesco Simeti, Adrian Wrong, Shane Aspegren and myself. The artists have been assigned one room each of the ten forming the Apartment of the Prince at Palazzo Reale and their works will be free interpretations of the features of the rooms and the theme of the exhibition. I will be there with a work which merges a very dear personal memory of mine with my creative experience with pliant materials such as Alcantara.
On 1 April the exhibition W. Women in Italian Design will have its official opening at the Triennale Design Museum, as part of Triennale’s XXI Esposizione Internazionale. Its curator is Silvana Annichiarico, installation design by Margherita Palli, graphic project by Irene Bacchi. The exhibition addresses the theme of Italian design in the light of one of its most delicate, most problematic and at the same time most vibrant and stimulating issues, that of gender. I will be there with two works: Albero ai ferri (1974), which humorously exploits a traditional textile technique, and the four-warp Quel chiodo fisso (1979), representing the tension running through three women at work.
I am thrilled to announce that I have been awarded by the Regional Secretariat for Apulia of the Italian Ministry of Culture a resident fellowship for the whole month of June at the Fondazione “Le Costantine” di Casamassella at Uggiano la Chiesa, in the Lecce province. I will be working with a group of Salento weavers with a view to promoting the Apulia weaving traditions and at the same time exploiting them in a contemporary and personal way. You will be able to follow our work on the Facebook page of
Museo del Costume e del Tessuto di Spoleto /
Galleria “Officina d’Arte &Tessuti”
Via Plinio il Giovane, 6-8
I have been invited to take part in the “Fiber Art” exhibition to be held in Spoleto at the Museo del Costume e del Tessuto and at the “Officina d’Arte &Tessuti” gallery, Via Plinio il Giovane, 6-8. The exhibition is under the aegis of the Spoleto Municipality and Regione Umbria and will be included among the exhibitions connected to the Spoleto Festival of 2Worlds. Its curators are Lydia Predominato and Bianca Lami, who together with Marta Picciau have recently curated the “Off Loom II” exhibition in Rome, and Giuseppina Caldarola, director of “Officina d’Arte &Tessuti”. The exhibition will be inaugurated on Saturday June 25, 2015, and will close on Sunday August 2 (unless extended). My exhibit will be a wall-hanging with blocks of overshot entitled Coded Message (80x140 cm), which a panel placed underneath will help decode.
Ecco il mio primo campioncino di kasuri, antica tecnica diffusa in tanti paesi soprattutto asiatici. Tinto e tessuto a un bellissimo corso tenuto da due ottimi maestri, una tessitrice giapponese, Tazuko Saitoh, e un tintore toscano, Stefano Panconesi. La sede del corso era Casa Clementina, splendido luogo di incontro di saperi tessili e tintori di paesi lontani e vicini.
April 4, 2014 - February 22, 2015
The seventh edition of the Triennale Design Museum, entitled Italian Design Beyond the Crisis. Autarky, Austerity, Autonomy, will officially open on April 3rd. Curator: Beppe Finessi. Organization: Philippe Nigro. Graphic project: Italo Lupi. Catalog: Corradini Edizioni. My The Magnificent (Rector), 1968, will be present in the first section, From autarchy to autonomy. The section From austerity to participation will host a series a photos of my “Human Looms” (1977 and 1980).
Associazione Tessere Incontri
Via F. Lippi, 26
20131 Milano
Finland and Sweden, July-August 1968
Milano, July-August 2013
An exhibition at
Palazzo Morando
Via Sant'Andrea 6
20121 Milano
March 15 - April 21, 2013
Part of the
My contribution to this exhibition will be my “Ombre” (Shadows) panels that can be differently arranged, in an interplay of positive-and- negative, transparency-and-opaqueness, light-and-dark.
A collective exhibition at Champorcher, Gressoney St. Jean, and Courmayeur.
Italy’s 150th Anniversary: Women Embroidering Unity. Textile masterpieces at Pettinengo - Talk with Paola Besana, Luigi Spina, and Marco Tonon
Piccola Fata’s textile collections: research and conservation - Round table with Paola Besana, Marco Tonon, and Luigi Spina
The Daberti Trusseau - lecture with images by Paola Besana
A paper given by Paola Besana, weaver, designer and teacher, at the conference “Cuore menti mani. Tessuti e feltri etici, sostenibili: da sempre patrimonio degli artigiani” held at Villaggio Leumann, Collegno (Turin), September 2009.