LILY BLUMENAU, The Art and Craft of Hand Weaving, Crown Publishers, New York, 1955, 134 pp., ill. b/n
MARIANNE STRAUB, Hand Weaving and Cloth Design, Virgin Press, New York, 1977, 152 pp., ill. b/n e col., ISBN 0-670-36037-6
FERNANDO SCANZIO - UGO PEDRAZZO, Intrecci e strutture dei tessuti, Paravia, Torino, 1988, 520 pp., ill. b/n, ISBN 395 1808 8
MARY KIRBY, Designing on the Loom, The Studio Publications, London & New York, 1955, 96 pp., ill. b/n
WILLIAM WATSON, Textile Design and Colour, Longmans, London, 1954, 484 pp., ill. b/n
G.H. OELSNER, A Handbook of Weaves, Dover Publications, New York, 1952, 402 pp., ill. b/n
MARY E. BLACK, New Key to Weaving. A Textbook of Hand Weaving for the Beginning Weaver, Bruce Publishing Company, Milwaukee, 1961, 573 pp., ill. b/n
HARRIET TIDBALL, The Weaver's Book. Fundamentals of Handweaving, Macmillan, New York, 1962, 173 pp., ill. b/n
ULLA CYRUS-ZETTERSTRÖM, Manual of Swedish Hand Weaving, Charles T. Branford, Boston, 1956, 271 pp., ill. b/n